Kicking off with a script that was greenlit by the client, the "Power to Change" video for the Lyma Lazer effectively sets the stage to showcase the revolutionary skincare technology. This script provided the backbone for weaving together diverse content from nine videos by three influencers, each spotlighting the transformative effects of the Lyma Lazer over 12 weeks.

In the design phase, I aligned each element with Lyma’s sophisticated branding, utilizing consistent visual themes like color schemes and typography to seamlessly integrate the various influencer contributions into one polished narrative. The editing process was crucial in ensuring smooth transitions and a unified style that bolstered the Lyma brand identity throughout the video.

Beyond also editing the complete master video, I adapted the content into different formats for social media platforms.

This strategic approach not only blended multiple influencer content but also significantly enhanced the Lyma brand's message, effectively demonstrating the innovative impact of the Lyma Lazer in a captivating and credible manner.


Warner + Sainsburys - AR Filmbook


Alfred Brand Refresh