Warner + Sainsbury’s AR Filmbook

Warner had a problem that needed solving. Their highest priced DVD sales were dropping (naturally), as well as being sealed in a rather unattractive plastic security casing that prevented them from being a standout item on-shelf. I suggested to the client that they utilise Web-AR to bring the product out of it’s packaging, flicking through the contents in 3D space within the store, as an exciting in-browser mobile activation.

I designed and built the project using WebAR (AR.js), with 3D models built in Cinema4D and animated in Maya. The activation was launched via a QR code printed on shelf blockers. It was optimised and efficient in size to limit issues by audiences who often don’t have very strong mobile connection inside supermarkets.

Our worked with the print teams to also optimise the QR launching method, who in turn produced multiple in-store blockers and barkers to entice audiences to launch the activation. The campaign proved a successful investment from the client which had the effect of clearing shelves causing Warner to run out of stock of the Filmbook.

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Dragonfly AI


Lyma - The Power To Change