Impossible Foods

With a vision for the brand that embraced innovation, I spearheaded a groundbreaking initiative for Impossible Foods, driven by a desire to blend innovation with interaction in our marketing strategy. Recognizing the potential of augmented reality (AR) to engage users in unique and memorable ways, our goal was to not only captivate but also actively involve our audience, fostering a deeper connection with the brand. This led to the development of a novel AR filter on TikTok—centered around Impossible Foods' new nugget product, capturing talent using the filter in order to storytell the brands important sustainability and health messages in a format that resonated with the audience.

This playful filter was part of a broader creative strategy to test various creative ideas, looking for the best way to engage an audience increasingly hungry for content. By leveraging the viral nature of TikTok and the immersive quality of AR, we tapped into a new way of storytelling and product promotion. The initiative was a bold experiment in digital marketing. By A-B testing to optimise the performance of creative we boosted brand visibility.


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