Digital Shelf Strips

Warner wanted a solution to promote their limited edition boxsets inside HMV retail stores. I suggested Digital Shelf Strips which we used to celebrate each title with an eye-catching animation loop for each title.

The use of digital signage has been steadily increasing, in Digital Signage Today’s Future Trends  2019 survey, 60% of retailers who didn’t yet have digital signage in their stores planned to invest in it within the next two years.

Retail digital signage market share is expected to gain rapidly to exceed $10billion by 2023.

20% of people will read the text on a page but 80% will watch a video.

68% of customers say that digital signage makes them more likely to buy advertised products.

The Drum indicates that over the next few years, the global digital software industry will grow by $75 billion.


JUUL - UK Launch


Disney+ - AR Lens